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May 24, 2024 9:06:56 AM

Who is Bakken & Bæck and how do we work with them?

AION has worked closely with Bakken & Bæck since July 2021 and the team from Bakken & Bæck is a valuable contributor to the development of our proprietary digital platform, AION LOOP.



Bakken & Bæck is a digital studio with offices in Oslo, Bonn, Amsterdam and London. They partner with founders and companies to create new digital products and ventures, and provide the expertise startups like AION need to launch and scale. They contribute with everything from concept work, product design, prototyping and branding to all types of development including advanced machine learning. Bakken & Bæck have previously developed technology and digital products/services for IKEA and Space10, Coinbase, VIPPS, Kron and Dr. Dropin amongst others. Bakken & Bæck were named one of the world’s most innovative companies by Fast Company in 2020.
Read more about Bakken & Bæck here: Bakken & Bæck | A technology-driven design studio (

Read more about our collaboration here:

Some of the experts we get to work with from Bakken and Bæck are Gunnar Grimnes, Claudia Green and Nathalie de Valliére. Gunnar Grimnes (PhD Computer Science) has been the CTO of Bakken & Bæck since 2013 and he has followed the project with AION from the start. Claudia Green (PhD Physics) has worked as a Technical Project Manager at Bakken & Bæck since 2021 and she has been key in developing AIONs data model and ID logic. Nathalie de Valliére has recently joined the project, but she has already contributed greatly with wireframes and designs for our front-end solutions.


Nathalie de Valliére, Ømjer Hjeltnes Wabø, Gunnar Grimnes, Claudia Green and Marie Lerøy.