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Discover how AION customers are transforming their business

Explore our customer success stories and sustainable collaborative projects to discover how our solutions have made a difference. From overcoming challenges to achieving remarkable results, these case studies offer insights into impact of our solutions. ​

Dive in and be inspired by the stories of our valued customers and collaborative projects.

ScanStar AION Nestable
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AION wins Scanstar 2024 - The Nordic packaging competition for the Nestable Pallet!

The AION Nestable Pallet was selected as the winner of the 2024 ScanStar! A joint Nordic packaging competition held annually since 1969 by SPA, the Scandinavian Packaging Association. AION's solution won based on it's lightweight design and traceable life. 

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A transition to 100% recycled plastic pallets with Nille AS

Nille, with 295 stores across Norway has this year taken a significant step towards sustainability by switching to 100% recycled plastic pallets from AION. This initiative is part of their broader commitment to environmental responsibility and aligns with their efforts to create a more efficient supply chain that also benefits their employees in every part of their operations.

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AION expands outside the Nordics with McDonald’s

By the end of the year, over 35,000 trays used in McDonald's restaurants in Romania will be replaced with AION's serving trays made of 100%
recycled marine plastic,
marking a regional first...

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Gjenbruksemballasje fra AION på Mathallen i Oslo

Mathallen & Aspelin Ramm er stolte av å kunne lansere et nytt pilotprosjekt for gjenbrukbar takeway-emballasje i samarbeid med KleenHub og GRIN. Målet vårt er å redusere avfallsmengdene og fremme bærekraftige løsninger i matserveringen.

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Kid Interiør & AION Forge Sustainable Distribution Partnership!

Kid Interiør holds a prominent position within the textile and interior scene in Norway, with over 150 stores around the country. At the heart of Kid's approach is a commitment to quality, forming the...

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SiO has already reduced the use of single-use takeaway packaging by 29% in new project!

AION is very proud to partner in a new project to help students at the University of Oslo (UiO) reduce the amount of single-use packaging used in SiO canteens daily, and introduce a full system for reusable bowls for takeaway!

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AION og Veidekke Sirkulær går til krig mot byggenæringens plastavfall

Veidekke Sirkulær og AION har inngått et strategisk partnerskap for å drive frem sirkulære verdikjeder for plast i bygg- og anleggssektoren. Store mengder plastavfall som i dag er et problem, kan bli en verdifull ressurs også for landets entreprenører. AION skal bidra med løsninger.

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Reusable Packaging News - Nille's 100% recycled pallets

In 2024, the company took a significant step towards sustainability by switching to 100% recycled plastic pallets from AION. The initiative is part of the retailer’s commitment to environmental responsibility. It aligns with their efforts to create a more efficient supply chain that benefits their employees. 

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Scaling Circular plastic pallets for the Seafood industry

The project will result in the implementation of several thousand  reusable and circular AION plastic pallets together with our partner  CIRCMAR AS in the Norwegian Seafood industry, to further develop...

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Used plastic bags turned into 3,000 pallets with new Aker BioMarine deal

This agreement will help Aker BioMarine reduce both emissions and costs. The new pallets (for use in freight) will be formed out of the large product bags left over from Aker BioMarine's offshore production.

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AION and Vytal Norway enters new collaboration

Vytal Norge som leverer digitale løsninger for retur og gjenbruk av emballasje til mat og drikke har inngått samarbeid med AION for levering av gjenbruksemballasje til sitt system.

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Mester Grønn and AION first out with fully circular shopping basket!

På Mester Grønns nye butikk på Ullevaal Stadion brukes handlekurver som er basert på 100% gjenvunnet industriell plast. Aion er først ut med å levere en slik sirkulær handlekurv i Norge.

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AION and Surfact Team Up to Revolutionize Smart Logistics with Sustainable Carrier Box

AION, a leading innovator in circular plastic solutions, has joined  forces with Surfact, a smart logistics startup on a mission to make  cargo more intelligent. Surfact has leveraged AION’s expertise...

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Take away uten throw away

Bymiljøetaten i Oslo kommune samarbeider med oppstartsbedriftene Grin og Aion om pilotprosjektet “Take away uten throw away”. Prosjektet skal i løpet av 2022 utvikle en løsning for hvordan man kan erstatte engangsemballasje for mat og drikke med et komplett system for gjenbruksemballasje. 

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Sodexo Norway and AION succesfully complete joint innovation project!

The project has demonstrated how designing for circularity can keep high-quality materials in a closed-loop and reduce the need for single-use packaging.

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AION partners with Nutreco and Skretting to tackle pallet waste in industry

AION is proud to announce the collaboration with Skretting and Nutreco on circular plastic pallets, where their big fishmeal bags will be recycled and repurposed into plastic pallets

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Runa & Tim 2 Barcelona 2022
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American Seafoods and AION collaborate to be first movers in plastic circularity

A series of successful pilots demonstrate how high-quality plastic material from the fishing industry can be rescued and turned into new and valuable products.

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Closing the loop with furniture for the next generation.

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New collaboration with Norwegian retailer MENY

Recycled shopping baskets made by AION for the supermarket chain.

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AION og NorgesGruppen utforsker plastsirkularitet i matnæringen

Gjennom NorgesGruppens Bærekraftsfond Handle, er AION tildelt  prosjektmidler for å identifisere muligheter for sirkulære  plastløsninger i Matnæringen.


Circular solutions resulting in business opportunities and innovation

Join our community of businesses making changes towards sustainability. Benefit from our support and innovative solutions for lasting change.

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  • aker
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  • norges
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  • sodexo
  • veideke
  • vytal
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“This was the first time in the world that we managed to make a product from 100% recycled marine plastic waste. For that reason, we have also received a lot  of attention abroad.”
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Pia Martinsen MellbyeManaging director of Food Folk, which operates McDonald’s Norway
“We want to make environmentally friendly choices, because we sell a piece of nature and have an additional responsibility to take care of it.”
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Henrik JaglandMester Grønn
“An important environmental project. We give waste new value.”
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Robert FjeldProject Manager in MENY
With this agreement*, we get our used product bags into new value chains. Waste is a lost value. now we get to put waste into a circular system on a much larger scale that we have done before. It is the start of an exciting journey for both Aker BioMarine and AION and we look forward to continuing our collaboration to promote a more sustainable and circular economy!”
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Matt JohansenCEO Aker BioMarine


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