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A transition to 100% recycled plastic pallets with Nille AS
Aug 19, 2024 9:12:34 AM2 min read

A transition to 100% recycled plastic pallets with Nille AS

A transition to 100% recycled plastic pallets with Nille AS

Overview: Nille, with 295 stores across Norway has this year taken a significant step towards sustainability by switching to 100% recycled plastic pallets from AION. This initiative is part of their broader commitment to environmental responsibility and aligns with their efforts to create a more efficient supply chain that also benefits their employees in every part of their operations.

The new pallets are fit to meet a modern logistics needs and offer a range of benefits that extend far beyond just sustainability.


Photo: Nille AS

Key benefits of recycled plastic pallets:

Space and Efficiency:

Earlier this year, Nille received 6,000 plastic pallets to their warehouse in Vestby in order for them to switch from the use of wooden pallets in distribution to a more lightweight and sustainable option.

Nille chose a nestable design that allows multiple pallets to be stacked in a single pile, significantly reducing the need for storage space. This efficiency extends to transportation, with 1485 pallets fitting on a single truck vs. 500 Europallets.

Now all goods are being packed onto these new pallets for delivery to Nille stores.

Easy Handling:

The lightweight plastic pallets makes them easier and safer to handle compared to the old wooden pallets. While a standard EPAL wooden pallet weighs around 24 kg, Nille’s new pallets weight less than 7kg. This represents a weight reduction of approximately 70%, making operations significantly easier for warehouse and in-store employees.

And according to Nille's warehouse team:

"There is less debris from splintered wood on the floors, and handling the pallets is more comfortable, reducing the risk of back injuries."

Sustainability efforts:

The transition to recycled plastic pallets is also a part of Nille's goal of reducing their environmental footprint and minimize waste. AION's pallets are made from 100% recycled HDPE, primarily from plastic bottle-caps, offering a sustainable alternative to wooden pallets that are made in virgin materials that ends up as waste after a short period of use.

With a carbon footprint of over 80% less than new plastic pallets, these pallets exemplify the principles of a circular economy, where materials are reused and the need for new resources is minimized.

Positive feedback:

Feedback from Nille's employees has so far been positive. With store employees commenting:

"This is the biggest improvement in goods delivery at Nille."

The adoption of AION's pallets not only supports Nille's sustainability goals but also enhances operational efficiency, making it a win-win situation for both the company and its employees.

Conclusion: By choosing a circular solution, Nille reduces its environmental impact while improving the efficiency and safety of its logistics operations. This initiative sets a strong example for other retailers looking to make meaningful changes in their supply chains.

Finished insert photo_Nille

AION is proud to support Nille on their journey toward a more sustainable future, one pallet at a time.



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