Recycled shopping baskets made by AION for the supermarket chain.
The Norwegian high-end supermarket chain MENY Norge - a part of grocery wholesaling giant NorgesGruppen - is the very first partner to start using the recycled shopping baskets from AION by Aker BioMarine. These circular beauties are made from plastic waste in the Norwegian marine industry. The very first store to order the new shopping baskets is Meny Ringnes Park, in the cool Grünerløkka area of central Oslo. Our CEO Runa Haug Khoury visited the Supermarket Manager Jan Blekastad to do her own shopping and, more importantly, get feedback on how the baskets are doing.
"The very first store to order the new shopping baskets is Meny Ringnes Park, in the cool Grünerløkka area of central Oslo."
Watch the short film from the visit, and imagine the global implications if even more leaders worldwide would be like Jan! Eager to try new and smarter products and implement new action-oriented approach to renew their business operations and raise awareness!