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Here you can find our upcoming events, blog posts, customer stories and frequently asked questions. 


What is traceability, and why is it important in sustainability? Traceability refers to the ability to track the journey of a product or material from its origin to its current state. It's crucial in sustainability as it ensures transparency and accountability in the supply chain, allowing businesses and consumers to make informed decisions and verify sustainability claims. 
How does AION ensure traceability in its products? AION utilizes digital platforms and advanced technologies to trace materials from their previous lives to new circular products. Through detailed data collection and analysis, we provide full lifecycle transparency, enabling stakeholders to track the environmental impact of our products. 
What are the benefits of traceability for businesses? Traceability offers several benefits for businesses, including enhanced brand reputation, compliance with regulations, improved risk management, and increased consumer trust. By implementing traceability solutions, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and gain a competitive edge in the market. 
How does traceability help in achieving sustainability goals? Traceability allows businesses to identify areas for improvement in their supply chains, reduce waste, optimize resource usage, and minimize environmental impact. By tracking the environmental footprint of products, businesses can make data-driven decisions to support their sustainability objectives. 
What level of transparency does AION provide in its traceability reports? AION offers comprehensive traceability reports that provide detailed insights into the lifecycle of our products, including information on materials, production processes, transportation, and end-of-life management. Our transparent reports enable stakeholders to assess the environmental impact of our products accurately. 
How does AION ensure data security and privacy in its traceability solutions? AION follows strict data security protocols and compliance standards to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of customer data. We utilize encryption, authentication, and access controls to protect sensitive information and ensure compliance with privacy regulations. 
Can traceability help in identifying and addressing environmental risks in the supply chain? Yes, traceability enables businesses to identify environmental risks, such as carbon emissions, water usage, and waste generation, throughout the supply chain. By pinpointing areas of concern, businesses can implement targeted strategies to mitigate risks and improve sustainability performance. 
What role does traceability play in building consumer trust and loyalty? Traceability builds consumer trust and loyalty by providing transparency and accountability in product sourcing and production. Consumers increasingly seek products with verified sustainability credentials, and traceability allows businesses to demonstrate their commitment to ethical and responsible practices. 
How can businesses leverage traceability to differentiate themselves in the market? Businesses can differentiate themselves in the market by leveraging traceability to communicate their sustainability efforts effectively. Transparent traceability reports and certifications can serve as powerful marketing tools, attracting eco-conscious consumers and driving brand loyalty. 
What is an impact report? An impact report is a comprehensive document summarizing the environmental benefits and CO2 reduction achieved through the use of our products compared to traditional virgin plastic alternatives. It provides detailed insights into the material composition, origins, and sustainability performance of our products in an intuitive and visually appealing format. 
How do you collect data? We collect data through our digital platform, where every recycling or manufacturing partner enters relevant production data. This data includes information on material composition, production processes, transportation, and end-of-life management. Our partners are required to adhere to strict agreements to ensure chain of custody and data accuracy. 
How do you calculate the CO2 footprint? The CO2 footprint is calculated based on various factors, including the type and amount of recycled material used in our products, production processes, transportation, and end-of-life management practices. Our sophisticated algorithms analyze this data to accurately quantify the CO2 emissions saved by using our products compared to traditional virgin plastic alternatives. 
Do you use blockchain? No, our platform does not utilize blockchain technology. Instead, we rely on advanced digital systems built upon Azure cloud services and distributed systems architecture. This allows us to ensure data integrity, security, and reliability while providing real-time access to transparent and auditable environmental impact data. 

ESG Regulations FAQs

What are ESG regulations related to plastics? ESG regulations refer to Environmental, Social, and Governance standards that guide companies in managing their impact on the environment, society, and corporate governance. In the context of plastics, these regulations aim to reduce plastic pollution, promote recycling, and encourage sustainable practices in the plastic industry. 
How do ESG regulations affect plastic manufacturers? Plastic manufacturers are required to adhere to ESG regulations by implementing sustainable practices such as reducing plastic waste, using recycled materials, and minimizing carbon emissions. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in fines, reputational damage, and decreased market competitiveness. 
What are the benefits of complying with ESG regulations in the plastics industry? Complying with ESG regulations can enhance brand reputation, attract environmentally-conscious customers, and drive innovation towards more sustainable products and processes. Additionally, it can mitigate regulatory risks and create long-term value for stakeholders. 
How can businesses ensure compliance with ESG regulations for plastics? Businesses can ensure compliance by conducting regular audits of their operations, adopting sustainable sourcing practices, investing in eco-friendly technologies, and transparently reporting their environmental impact. Collaborating with industry peers and engaging with stakeholders can also facilitate compliance efforts. 
Are there specific ESG metrics that companies in the plastics industry should focus on? Yes, companies in the plastics industry should focus on metrics such as greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, water usage, waste generation, recycling rates, and the use of sustainable materials. Tracking and improving these metrics can demonstrate a company's commitment to ESG principles and sustainability. 
How do ESG regulations impact consumer choices regarding plastic products? ESG regulations influence consumer choices by increasing awareness about the environmental and social impact of plastic products. Consumers are increasingly seeking alternatives to single-use plastics and favoring companies that prioritize sustainability. Businesses that align with ESG principles are more likely to attract and retain environmentally-conscious customers. 
What role do ESG ratings and certifications play in the plastics industry? ESG ratings and certifications provide third-party validation of a company's sustainability efforts in the plastics industry. Achieving high ESG ratings and obtaining certifications such as ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) or B Corp can enhance credibility, improve access to capital, and differentiate products in the market. 
How can businesses communicate their ESG initiatives to customers effectively? Businesses can communicate their ESG initiatives through various channels such as websites, social media, product labeling, and sustainability reports. Using clear and transparent language, highlighting tangible results, and engaging with customers through interactive content can help build trust and loyalty among environmentally-conscious consumers. 
How can I reduce my emissions and virgin plastic use? You can reduce emissions and virgin plastic use by implementing various sustainable practices such as switching to renewable energy sources, optimizing transportation routes, adopting circular economy principles, utilizing recycled materials, and promoting eco-friendly packaging solutions. Additionally, conducting energy audits, investing in energy-efficient technologies, and encouraging consumer awareness and behavior change can significantly contribute to emission reduction and plastic use reduction efforts. 
What are the incoming regulations regarding emissions and plastic use? Incoming regulations regarding emissions and plastic use vary depending on your location and industry. However, there is a global trend towards stricter environmental regulations aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and plastic pollution. These regulations may include emission reduction targets, carbon pricing mechanisms, bans or restrictions on single-use plastics, extended producer responsibility (EPR) schemes, and mandatory reporting requirements. 
How do I make sure I comply with these regulations, and what do I need to report?

To ensure compliance with incoming regulations, it is essential to stay informed about relevant laws and guidelines applicable to your business or operations. Conducting regular assessments and audits to identify areas of non-compliance and implementing necessary measures to address them is crucial. Regarding reporting, you may be required to report various environmental metrics such as greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, waste generation, and plastic usage. The specific reporting requirements and procedures vary depending on jurisdiction and industry sector. Typically, reports need to be submitted to relevant regulatory agencies, environmental authorities, or industry bodies as per their specified timelines and formats. Consulting with legal experts, environmental consultants, or industry associations can provide further guidance on compliance and reporting obligations. 

Remember, proactive engagement in sustainable practices and compliance with environmental regulations not only benefits the planet but also enhances your reputation, reduces operational risks, and fosters innovation and competitiveness in the long run. 


What is AION and what do you do? AION is a sustainable solutions provider dedicated to revolutionizing the way businesses approach environmental challenges. We specialize in circular plastic solutions and offer consultancy services for large-scale industrial projects. 
How does AION contribute to sustainability? At AION, we are committed to solving the global plastic crisis by promoting circular economy principles. We offer a range of circular plastic products and consultancy services that enable businesses to transition towards sustainable practices, thereby reducing environmental impact. 
What sets AION apart from other sustainability companies? AION stands out for its innovative approach to sustainability, backed by the expertise and resources of our parent company, Aker ASA. Our comprehensive solutions, collaborative partnerships, and commitment to transparency and integrity differentiate us in the industry. 
Who are the key stakeholders of AION? AION's key stakeholders include regulators, NGOs, research partners, investors, customers, employees, and contractors. We collaborate with these stakeholders to drive meaningful change and create value for society. 
What is AION's relationship with Aker ASA? AION is a subsidiary of Aker ASA, an industrial investment company with a diverse portfolio spanning various sectors, including renewable energy, marine biotechnology, and green technologies. Aker ASA provides strategic guidance and support to AION's sustainability initiatives. 
How does AION ensure transparency and accountability? Transparency and accountability are fundamental values at AION. We adhere to strict reporting standards, ethical business practices, and regulatory compliance measures to ensure transparency in our operations and accountability to our stakeholders. 
What are AION's long-term goals and vision? AION's long-term goal is to lead the transition towards a more sustainable and circular economy. We envision a future where environmental stewardship and economic prosperity are harmonized, creating a world where sustainability is not just a goal but a way of life. 
How can I get involved with AION's sustainability efforts? There are several ways to get involved with AION's sustainability efforts, including partnering with us on projects, collaborating on research initiatives, joining our team, or simply staying informed about our latest developments and achievements. 

Proven Impact FAQs

What data will AION give me? What will it look like? AION provides comprehensive impact reports detailing various metrics related to sustainability. These reports include information on the chain of custody of materials, emissions saved, virgin resources avoided, and waste volumes diverted. They are presented in a visually appealing format, offering clear insights into the environmental impact of your operations. 
How often will I get it? Impact reports from AION are delivered annually, providing you with a regular update on the sustainability performance of your operations. This annual frequency ensures that you have up-to-date information to track progress, make informed decisions, and communicate your sustainability efforts to stakeholders. 
Is it certified by any official bodies/certification scheme? At present, AION's impact reports are not certified by external bodies or certification schemes. However, they are meticulously compiled using accurate data and transparent methodologies. While external certification may be pursued in the future, our commitment to providing reliable and verifiable sustainability data remains unwavering. 

Our Processes FAQs

What is AION's approach to developing custom solutions? At AION, we take a comprehensive approach to developing custom solutions tailored to your specific needs. Our process begins with understanding your requirements and challenges, followed by drafting innovative solutions that prioritize design excellence and environmental impact.
How long does it take to develop a custom solution with AION? The duration of the custom solution development process varies depending on the complexity of the project. We strive to deliver efficient and timely solutions while ensuring that every aspect is meticulously planned and executed to meet your expectations. 
What does AION's Circularity as a Service (CaaS) entail? AION's Circularity as a Service (CaaS) model provides a comprehensive solution that encompasses waste take-off services or the provision of products as a service. This flexible approach allows you to choose the pricing model that best suits your needs, whether it's product pricing or leasing options. 
How does AION ensure transparency and accountability throughout the process? Transparency and accountability are core principles at AION. We provide detailed impact reports that showcase the environmental benefits achieved through our solutions, including waste reduction, resource conservation, and overall sustainability. Additionally, our team remains accessible to address any questions or concerns you may have at every stage of the process. 
Can AION assist with compliance and regulatory requirements? Yes, AION is committed to helping you navigate compliance and regulatory requirements effectively. Our team stays up-to-date with industry regulations and standards, ensuring that our solutions align with legal requirements and best practices. We provide guidance and support to help you meet your compliance obligations seamlessly. 
How does AION ensure the quality and effectiveness of its solutions? AION places a strong emphasis on quality assurance and continuous improvement. We leverage our expertise in circular economy principles, material science, and sustainable design to develop solutions that are not only effective but also environmentally friendly. Our processes are backed by rigorous testing and evaluation to ensure the highest standards of quality and performance. 

Linear Vs. Circular FAQs

What is the difference between a linear and circular economy? In a linear economy, products are manufactured, used, and disposed of as waste, creating a one-way flow of resources. In contrast, a circular economy aims to minimize waste and maximize resource efficiency by designing products for reuse, recycling, and regeneration, creating a closed-loop system. 
How does AION contribute to the transition from a linear to a circular economy? AION specializes in developing circular solutions that promote resource conservation, waste reduction, and sustainable consumption. By implementing innovative design strategies and leveraging recycled materials, we help businesses transition from the traditional linear model to a more circular and sustainable approach. 
What are the environmental benefits of adopting a circular economy model? Adopting a circular economy model can lead to significant environmental benefits, including reduced resource depletion, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and decreased waste generation. By keeping products and materials in use for longer periods and minimizing the extraction of new resources, we can mitigate environmental impact and promote long-term sustainability. 
How does AION ensure the effectiveness of its circular economy solutions? AION employs a holistic approach to developing circular economy solutions, focusing on design innovation, material selection, and value chain optimization. Our team of experts evaluates each project's environmental impact, ensuring that our solutions align with circular economy principles and deliver measurable benefits. 
Can AION help businesses transition from a linear to a circular business model? Yes, AION offers comprehensive consulting services to help businesses transition from a linear to a circular business model. Our team provides guidance on product redesign, waste management strategies, and supply chain optimization to facilitate a smooth transition towards circularity. 
What role does AION play in closing the loop of material flows in a circular economy?

AION plays a crucial role in closing the loop of material flows by developing closed-loop supply chains and promoting the reuse and recycling of materials. Through our Circularity as a Service (CaaS) model, we facilitate the repurposing of waste materials into new products, ensuring that resources are kept in circulation for as long as possible. 

What is the difference between a linear and circular economy, and how does it impact my business financially? In a linear economy, resources are used once and then discarded as waste, leading to higher production costs and environmental degradation. In contrast, a circular economy aims to maximize resource efficiency and minimize waste, which can result in cost savings, improved operational efficiency, and reduced environmental impact for businesses. AION's circular economy solutions help businesses transition to more sustainable practices, resulting in long-term financial benefits. 
How can AION's circular economy solutions help my business save money? AION's circular economy solutions are designed to optimize resource use, minimize waste, and reduce production costs. By implementing innovative design strategies, recycling materials, and optimizing supply chain processes, businesses can achieve cost savings through reduced raw material procurement, waste disposal, and operational inefficiencies. Additionally, our Circularity as a Service (CaaS) model offers flexible pricing options that align with your budget and financial goals. 
What financial outcomes can I expect from implementing AION's circular economy solutions? Implementing AION's circular economy solutions can lead to various financial outcomes, including cost reductions, revenue generation, and improved profitability. By transitioning to more sustainable practices, businesses can lower production costs, increase operational efficiency, and access new revenue streams through the sale of recycled materials or circular products. Additionally, our solutions can enhance brand reputation and customer loyalty, driving business growth and long-term financial success. 
How does AION ensure that its circular economy solutions deliver tangible financial benefits for businesses? AION conducts thorough assessments of each business's operations to identify opportunities for cost savings and revenue generation through circular economy practices. Our team of experts develops customized solutions tailored to your specific financial objectives and industry requirements, ensuring that our interventions deliver tangible financial benefits. Through continuous monitoring and optimization, we help businesses maximize their return on investment and achieve sustainable financial outcomes. 
Can AION provide financial analysis and reporting to demonstrate the economic impact of its circular economy solutions? Yes, AION offers comprehensive financial analysis and reporting services to help businesses quantify the economic impact of implementing circular economy solutions. Our team provides detailed financial assessments, ROI calculations, and performance metrics to demonstrate cost savings, revenue generation, and other financial benefits. By presenting clear and transparent financial data, we empower businesses to make informed decisions and track the success of their sustainability initiatives. 

Custom Solutions FAQs

What services does AION Advisory offer? AION Advisory offers customized advisory services tailored to your unique needs. Our services encompass a wide range of areas including waste management, environmental impact analysis, circular economy strategies, and sustainable product development. 
How does AION Advisory help businesses with waste management? At AION Advisory, we specialize in developing effective waste management strategies for businesses. We analyze your current waste streams, identify areas for improvement, and implement tailored solutions to optimize waste management processes, minimize environmental impact, and maximize resource efficiency. 
Can AION Advisory assist with environmental impact analysis? Yes, we provide comprehensive environmental impact analysis services to help businesses understand and mitigate their environmental footprint. Our team conducts thorough assessments, evaluates environmental risks, and provides actionable insights to drive sustainable decision-making. 
What is AION's approach to circular economy strategies? AION Advisory is committed to promoting circular economy principles. We work closely with businesses to develop innovative circular solutions that minimize waste, maximize resource utilization, and create value throughout the product lifecycle. Our holistic approach ensures that businesses can thrive in a sustainable and circular economy. 
How does AION Advisory support sustainable product development? We support businesses in achieving their sustainability goals by offering expertise in sustainable product development. Our team collaborates with clients to design and develop custom-made products and solutions that prioritize environmental performance, durability, and circularity. From concept ideation to product launch, we guide businesses every step of the way. 
What industries does AION Advisory serve? AION Advisory caters to businesses across various industries, including manufacturing, retail, hospitality, food and beverage, and more. Our versatile expertise allows us to address the unique sustainability challenges faced by different sectors and tailor solutions to meet their specific needs. 
How can businesses get started with AION Advisory? Getting started with AION Advisory is simple. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our team. We'll discuss your objectives, assess your sustainability needs, and develop a customized advisory plan to help you achieve your goals. Let's embark on the journey towards a more sustainable future together. 
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What is Circularity as a Service (CaaS) offered by AION? Circularity as a Service (CaaS) provided by AION is a customized solution designed to ensure fully traceable and responsible sourcing, production, design, and product development from recycled and repurposed materials. It encompasses a range of services aimed at promoting circularity and sustainability throughout the product lifecycle. 
What services does AION offer under its Circularity as a Service (CaaS)? AION offers a comprehensive suite of services under its Circularity as a Service (CaaS) model, including circular design, manufacturing and value chain design, material expertise, waste management and logistics, as well as ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) analysis. These services are tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses seeking to adopt circular practices. 
What expertise does AION have in-house to support its CaaS offerings? AION boasts a team of experts with diverse skill sets to support its Circularity as a Service (CaaS) offerings. This includes professionals specializing in circular design, manufacturing and value chain design, material science, waste management and logistics, as well as ESG and LCA analysis. Our multidisciplinary team collaborates closely to deliver holistic and effective solutions. 
How does AION ensure the quality and sustainability of its CaaS solutions? AION has established a global network of vetted and high-quality manufacturers to ensure that new circular materials are integrated into closed loops in the most environmentally responsible manner. By leveraging our extensive network, we minimize transport emissions and maximize the sustainability of our CaaS solutions, delivering tangible environmental benefits to our clients. 
Can AION's CaaS solutions be customized to meet specific business needs? Yes, AION's Circularity as a Service (CaaS) solutions are fully customizable to meet the unique requirements of each client. Whether you need assistance with circular design, material selection, waste management, or any other aspect of the circular economy, our team will work closely with you to develop tailored solutions that align with your sustainability goals and objectives. 
How can businesses get started with AION's CaaS offerings? Getting started with AION's Circularity as a Service (CaaS) solutions is simple. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our team. We'll discuss your specific needs, assess your current practices, and develop a customized CaaS plan to help you transition to a more sustainable and circular business model. Let's embark on the journey towards a circular economy together. 

Transportation Pallets FAQs

What makes AION's reusable pallets different from traditional wooden pallets? Our reusable pallets are made from 100% recycled high-quality plastics, offering durability, sustainability, and a longer lifespan compared to traditional wooden pallets. 
How do AION's reusable pallets contribute to cost savings? AION's reusable pallets allow for a higher number of pallets per return, reducing transportation costs and maximizing efficiency. Additionally, their longevity of 5-10 years surpasses that of traditional wooden pallets, leading to reduced procurement costs over time. 
Are AION's reusable pallets suitable for different storage environments? Yes, our pallets are designed for versatility and can be used in various storage environments, including freezer storage. Their textured surface prevents slipping, ensuring safety in all conditions. 
What measures are in place to ensure hygiene and cleanliness with AION's reusable pallets? By eliminating wooden fibers and debris, our pallets promote cleaner warehouses, trucks, and operations, thus enhancing overall hygiene standards and minimizing contamination risks. 
How does AION ensure regulatory compliance and environmental sustainability? AION's reusable pallets are made from 100% recycled material, contributing to a zero-waste company profile and environmental stewardship. Essential data for ESG documentation and impact reports is readily accessible, ensuring compliance with regulations and monitoring CO2 emissions, waste, and recycled content. 
Can AION's reusable pallets be customized to suit specific branding needs? Yes, we offer custom branding options for our pallets, allowing businesses to showcase their brand while promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility. 
What support does AION provide for recycling and remanufacturing of pallets? AION offers return schemes to facilitate the recycling and remanufacturing of pallets, ensuring a fully circular product lifecycle and minimizing resource consumption. 
How do AION's reusable pallets contribute to employee safety and well-being? Our lightweight pallets improve Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) operations for employees, reducing the risk of injuries associated with manual lifting and handling. 
What technological features are integrated into AION's reusable pallets for enhanced supply chain visibility? AION's pallets are RFID/IoT compatible, allowing for real-time monitoring and data-driven decision-making, ensuring full control and transparency across the supply chain. 
Price and MOQ The price of The AION Nestable Pallet depends on volume, delivery lead-time, and customization. Contact us for a quote at: +47 909 43 215. We base quotes on any Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ).
Sustainability of Plastic vs. Wooden Pallets Plastic pallets can be more sustainable than wooden ones due to their longer lifespan, reduced environmental impact, and recyclability.
Life Expectancy The AION Nestable Pallet has a life expectancy of 5-7 years under normal usage conditions.
Manufacturing Location The AION Nestable Pallet is manufactured by one of our contracted partners in Denmark.
Materials Used AION uses a blend of HDPE/PP/LDPE sourced from used big bags, primarily from the seafood and aquaculture industry.
Customization Options Yes, we offer branding options including customized inserts, printing, or recyclable stickers. Contact us for color options, although exact color matching may not be possible due to recycled material. We encourage the use of natural colors derived from recycled input materials.
Recycling Company's Plastic Waste Yes, we strive to utilize customers' plastic waste in our products whenever possible. Contact us with details about your plastic waste for further assistance.
Return Scheme Policy While we do not enforce a mandatory return scheme, we encourage collaboration for cost-efficiency and easy returns of discarded pallets. This benefits both parties through circular solutions and environmental sustainability.
Availability of Other Sizes and Designs Yes, we provide a range of pallet designs and sizes. Contact us to discuss your specific needs, and if necessary, explore new product development.
Technical Information For detailed technical specifications of The AION Nestable Pallet, please refer to our datasheet available to download by clicking here. 

Takeaway Bowls FAQs

What materials are your Takeaway Boxes made from?

Our Takeaway Boxes are made from high-quality, food-grade polypropylene (PP) plastic, ensuring durability and safety for your food items. 

Are your Takeaway Boxes recyclable? Yes, our Takeaway Boxes are fully recyclable. Once you're done using them, simply dispose of them in the appropriate recycling bin to minimize environmental impact. 
Can I microwave food in your Takeaway Boxes? Absolutely! Our Takeaway Boxes are microwave-safe, allowing you to conveniently reheat your food without transferring it to another container. 
Do your Takeaway Boxes come in different sizes? Yes, we offer a range of sizes to suit your needs. Whether you're packing a small snack or a hearty meal, we have the perfect Takeaway Box for you. 
How durable are your Takeaway Boxes? Our Takeaway Boxes are designed to withstand the rigors of daily use. Made from sturdy materials, they won't easily break or crack, ensuring your food stays secure during transport. 
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Can I customize my Takeaway Boxes with my logo or branding? Yes, we offer customization options to help you showcase your brand. Contact us to discuss adding your logo or branding to our Takeaway Boxes. 
Do you offer bulk discounts for large orders? Yes, we offer competitive pricing for bulk orders. Get in touch with our sales team to discuss your requirements and receive a personalized quote. 
How do I clean and maintain your Takeaway Boxes? Our Takeaway Boxes are dishwasher-safe for easy cleaning. Simply place them in the dishwasher along with your other dishes for hassle-free maintenance. 
Are your Takeaway Boxes suitable for hot and cold food? Absolutely! Our Takeaway Boxes are versatile and suitable for both hot and cold food items, making them ideal for a wide range of culinary delights. 
Where can I purchase your Takeaway Boxes? You can purchase our Takeaway Boxes directly from our website or contact us for inquiries about retail locations near you. 
How big are they? Each AION Takeaway Bowl has a capacity of approximately 700 ml, providing ample space for your favorite meals. 
What is the temperature limit for washing? Our Takeaway Bowls can withstand temperatures up to 85 degrees Celsius, ensuring safe and effective cleaning. 
What do they cost? The cost per unit for our Takeaway Bowls is 49 NOK, offering an affordable and sustainable solution for your food packaging needs. 
What colors can you provide? We offer a wide range of color options for our Takeaway Bowls. Reach out to us to discuss your preferred color scheme! 
Can we have our own logo on it? Absolutely! We can customize the Takeaway Bowls with your logo, helping you promote your brand while reducing single-use waste. 
How long do they last? Our Takeaway Bowls are built to last. The first products were delivered two years ago, and all are still in use, demonstrating their durability and longevity. 
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Where are they produced? The Takeaway Bowls are proudly produced in Norway, adhering to high-quality standards and sustainable practices. 
What happens with returned takeaway bowls? When Takeaway Bowls are returned to AION, we send them to our manufacturer for grinding. This process involves shredding the bowls into pieces, which are then used in other AION products, promoting a circular economy and reducing environmental impact. 

Shopping Baskets FAQs

How big are the AION shopping baskets? The AION shopping baskets have a capacity of approximately 27 liters. 
What is the temperature limit for washing the AION shopping baskets? The AION shopping baskets can withstand temperatures of up to 85 degrees Celsius during washing. 
How much do the AION shopping baskets cost? The price for our AION shopping baskets is 49 NOK per unit. 
What colors are available for the AION shopping baskets? We can provide our AION shopping baskets in almost any color. Please reach out to us using the contact form at the bottom of this page for color options. 
Can we have our own logo on the AION shopping baskets? Yes, we can customize the AION shopping baskets with your logo. 
Are the AION shopping baskets microwave-safe? Yes, our AION shopping baskets are safe to use in the microwave. 
How long do the AION shopping baskets last? The first AION shopping baskets were delivered two years ago and are still in use. They have a long lifespan. 
Where are the AION shopping baskets produced? The AION shopping baskets are produced in Norway. 
What happens with returned AION shopping baskets? When AION shopping baskets are returned, they are sent to our manufacturer for grinding. The shredded material is then used in other AION products, contributing to a circular economy. 
What is the weight? The weight of the AION Shopping basket is 1 kg.
How much can you load in it? The AION Shopping basket can typically carry up to 20 kg. 
What are the dimensions? You can download the datasheet for detailed dimensions. 
What material is it made from? The standard AION Shopping basket is made from high-quality recycled marine plastic. 
What colors can you make? The standard material is dark green, derived from the color of the recycled plastic. However, we can deliver the shopping basket in various other colors. Please note that adding coloring material reduces the recycled content of the product by 2-5%. 
Can we have our own logo on it? Yes! You can have your own logo printed on the side of the shopping basket. 
Is it really sustainable? Yes, the recycled plastic used in all AION products comes from mechanically recycled high-quality plastic from industrial sources. This type of recycling has an 80% lower CO2 footprint compared to virgin plastics. Additionally, by enabling customers to return broken and discarded products, we ensure that the plastic is given new life, promoting a circular economy. 

Product Problems FAQs

What do I have to pay? Our pricing structure varies depending on the nature and scope of the project. Custom solutions typically begin with a development project to create the tailored solution that meets your specific needs. Contact us using the form at the bottom of this page to discuss your requirements and receive a personalized quote. 
Do I have to return the product? What if I lose it? Yes, all circular products we provide must be returned at the end of their usable life as part of a regenerative system. If a product is lost or not returned, it disrupts the circular loop, negatively impacting its sustainability. We encourage responsible handling and use of our products to ensure they can be recycled and repurposed effectively. 

Waste Problems FAQs

Will you take my rubbish? AION specializes in evaluating plastic waste for its suitability in creating scalable and efficient circular supply chains. We assess factors such as quality, quantity, and location to determine if the waste can be effectively integrated into our value chains. However, please reach out to us to discuss the specifics of your waste and how we can assist you. 
Does AION work with other types of waste? While our expertise lay in plastics, AION works to help reduce every waste fraction through implementing more circular solutions and products as alternatives. Massively reducing other sources of waste such as cardboard, wood, aluminium etc.  
Will you pay me for it? Typically, AION does not pay for material. Our operations are based on selling development/set-up projects and later supplying materials and products as a service. However, we encourage you to contact us to explore potential collaboration opportunities and discuss how we can support your waste management needs. 
Will I have to pay for it? As mentioned, AION operates by selling development/setup projects and later supplying materials and products as a service. Depending on the scope of the project and the services provided, there may be costs associated. Please contact us to discuss your specific requirements, and we'll be happy to provide you with more information. 
What data will you give me? Upon engaging with AION, you will receive a comprehensive "Material Offtake Report." This report provides detailed insights into the evaluation of your plastic waste, including information on quality, quantity, and location. Additionally, it outlines the potential for creating a circular supply chain and highlights the environmental benefits of participating in our programs. 
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